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Ryton Infant and Junior School Federation

Positive, Respectful and Safe

Mrs Spurr - 5SS

Year 5 created collages to reflect a part of Ryton’s history. They represented the Anderson Shelters used during the war to protect people from bombing attacks. They did an amazing job- so creative and expressive! Next week they will start wood carving their designs with Neil, the artist we are working with as part of the Standing Stories workshop.

Thanks so much to Northern Print for a fantastic printing workshop. We looked at the work of Andy Warhol, drew everyday objects, made printing blocks and then made repeating prints. Great , messy fun which produced some amazing art!

Year 5 science- investigating forces on the land, air and in the water. We measured them using forcemeters too. We had so much fun and learned lots too by working practically in teams.

Year 5 drew sunflowers, the national flower of Ukraine. They were so beautiful!

We all enjoyed Red Nose Day, and more importantly, raised lots of money for this very important charity.

Our fantastic Year 5s played a game where they created sentences using conjunctions- the harder the conjunction the more points they scored!

Year 5 completed maths tasks in the forest area with flowers, stones and sticks.

Year 5 had a fantastic Anti-Bullying lesson from two talented Year 10 pupils. We loved being taught by one of our former pupils!

Week 1 cycling proficiency in the sunshine was amazing! Well done Year 5 superstars!!

Year 5 used practical equipment and jottings to help develop their understanding of division.-they did a great job!

Year 5 create scaled drawings of the Sun, Earth and Moon.

Year 5 have been learning about the Sun, Earth and Moon during their science unit on Space. We learned that all three are spheres and discussed the evidence that led people to realise that the Earth was round, not flat. We then created scaled drawings to show the relative sizes of all three bodies and realised that the Sun was MUCH larger than the Earth and Moon! We also practiced our maths measuring skills while we were doing this, as we had to measure in both cm and mm.



Fabulous festive fun at the Year 5 Christmas party!

Year 5 investigate irreversible reactions Year 5 have been learning about reversible and irreversible reactions. They planned a fair test to find out the factors that affected the amount of carbon dioxide produced by the reaction between bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. They used the height of the bubbles produced to measure how much gas had been produced by the reaction.

Diversity Dance Video

Still image for this video

Diversity Dance Video

Still image for this video

Year 5 had a great time creating snacks using avocado, one of the Maya people's most popular foods. Can you guess what famous character they made? This session was lead by two absolute stars from Year 6, who prepared all the food and designed the activity, showed each group what to do and even had step by step instructions for the children to follow! They showed great organisation and leadership skills throughout. Nigella Lawson and Jamie Oliver watch out- you have competition!

Year 5 fantastic forest fun!

Year 5 Investigators

Year 5 have been investigating the properties of different materials. We have been discovering which metals and other materials conduct electricity and are magnetic and looking to see if they are flexible, opaque, transparent or translucent. We also found out how to make colour spinners using the electric motors

Well done to our first 3 hot chocolate Friday winners in Year 5! You have been working so hard- what superstars!
