How many of you have watched the YouTube video this morning? Jane does a fantastic job demonstrating how to use the slow writing skills we worked on this year. Remember to upload anything you write/take photos of anything you do to the blog so we can all share in our learning.
Home Learning
Well, this wasn't quite how we thought we'd spend the last couple of weeks of term but we are going to have some fun learning this way just the same!
I thought it might be nice to use something called Zoom sometimes. I'm going to have a play around with it but and find out just how it works - I think it will allow us to all link together on laptops/phones etc … and talk to/see each other.
Remember, we have asked you to try to complete some things daily and other things over the week and we will post some extra activities to keep you busy, but it is important you make time for fun. You can bake, get creative, go for walks, immerse yourself in a book, spend time playing games and even get away with more screen time than you ever imagined possible!
I have added a year group TTRockstars battle for this week and I'm going to look into how to have a couple of battles through the week so that you all know when to log on and can battle at the same time if you would like too.
Mymaths has a task set and there are spellings on Spellingshed. Some of you have two lists on there so learn the ones you think will benefit you most.
Try to complete the weekly assignments on Reading Plus by going on regularly throughout the week - you have all made fantastic progress this year in reading so keep it up!
Everyone also has a Home Learning Pack - complete one task each day if you can - and remember to access Bootcamp for maths, SPAG and spelling.
CGP books have lots of 10 minutes tasks - complete one or two from each book across the week if you can. Don't cheat and check the answers in the back only when you have finished.
I will post some Maths activities across the week - mysteries and puzzles and games as well as the odd PowerPoint with some problem solving.
Miss B has some lovely Creative Curriculum work that looks fab and we are going to let you know about some fantastic online learning linked to World War 2 that is going to start this week from a secret WW2 bunker in Liverpool. Watch out for more information about that (Wednesday at 1pm and then weekly for a series of lessons).
So it's a bit different but I'm looking forward to the challenge and I hope you are too.
World Book Day Celebrations
Great fun in Year 6 today! Brilliant book sharing, crazy costumes, stupendous stories and amazing art work! Thanks you so much to the lovely parents who came in, helped with our art work and even read us a story!
M&M Theatre Production presents Beauty and the Beast.
What an amazing performance! All of the Federation children thoroughly enjoyed their morning and made the most of the music, singing, cheering and booing of the characters! Our children were captivated by the fantastic panto performed by four fabulous actors. How they manage costume changes, set change wizardry and musical effects is astounding!
Everyone went home yesterday very excited about the opportunity to use Oxford Owl's Reading Buddies!
Look out for the login details in reading records and try make a start. Reading Buddies in a fantastic way to develop reading and comprehension skills using a fabulous online resource; books on the system can become part of our reading challenge encouraging daily home reading.
Welcome back to 6FS
Wow! The children have all come back to school full of excitement and enthusiasm after their summer break. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach them and see their positive attitudes to learning. We have already introduced their new class reader, 'Cogheart', and started to discover the menacing world in which Lily and Robert find themselves stalked by two silver-eyed men. They are waiting with great anticipation to find out just what mortal peril the two characters will find themselves in.