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Ryton Infant and Junior School Federation

Positive, Respectful and Safe

Mrs Pottinger - 3JP


Last term we were learning about France. We found out about some of the main cities of France, some rivers and mountain areas. We used atlases to label countries and seas near France. Using Google maps we used street view to look at famous Paris attractions. We also compared London and Paris. After finding out about French food we tasted a few. The French cheeses weren’t that popular!

World Book Day

Visit from a cricket coach

Year 3 practiced their throwing and catching skills in a variety of fun activities.

DT Making sandwiches

After designing our healthy sandwiches, which contained two vegetables, we learnt about food hygiene and how to cut safely. Once we made our sandwiches, we ate our sandwiches and evaluated them. 

Anti-Bullying Week

Celebrating Odd Socks Day to mark the beginning of Anti-Bullying Week. You all looked fantastic!

Our Fabulous Hot Chocolate Winners So Far!

Dem Bones, Dem Bones Year 3 JP

After finding out about the different kinds of skeletons that animals can have, we started to find out about the names of the bones in our bodies.

Poppies for Remembrance Day

This week my class learnt that there are different coloured poppies to remember those that died in the First World War and other conflicts. Purple poppies remember animal victims of the conflicts, and the black poppies remember the contribution of African and Caribbean veterans. White poppies commemorates those who died but also focuses on peace. The children then drew and coloured their own poppies using pastels. The results are amazing, I’m sure you will agree when you see them!

Making a Chocolate Sweet

The children decided which kind of chocolate to use to make their sweet. They also decided whether to add lemon, orange, mint or vanilla flavouring to their chocolate. Lastly the children decided what filling to add, they could choose from Haribo's, raisins, marshmallows or peanuts. The children really enjoyed making their sweet, especially licking their fingers after finishing making it! Once set, the children ate their sweet to evaluate their sweet design. 


Year 3 have been finding out about where chocolate grows and how it is made. We had great fun tasting a variety of chocolates ( including chilli chocolate ) to decide which chocolate we would use when we made our own chocolate sweet.


In Science we have been learning that humans and some other animals have skeletons. We played a game of invertebrate and vertebrate dominoes.


Year 3 had fun creating self portraits using paper and wool collage. We had to think carefully about each of our unique features and how to make our portraits look like us. They look wonderful displayed in our classroom portrait gallery! 

Fun in the Forest
