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Ryton Infant and Junior School Federation

Positive, Respectful and Safe

Mrs Borrowdale - Two Year Olds

Teddy Bear's Picnic and Sports Afternoon

Family Forest Fun!

Happy Big Birthday, our amazing and very lovely Mrs. Borrowdale!

Happy Birthday to Bubble and Squeak, our Guinea Pigs....they are 3 years old! We grated vegetables to make them a birthday cake! We noticed our caterpillars had become Butterflies and we waved goodbye to them when we released them in our Nursery garden .

This week We've made a bag to put our picnic sandwich in, we painted our Snails and some children took part in MiniAthletics and a parade with The Olympic Torch.

Finding Spot in our garden, making a rainbow road and lots more Nursery fun!

We went on a bug hunt in our garden this week, we found Ladybirds, Wood lice and Buzzy Bees and we are also watching our caterpillars grow!

Making ice lollies, sharing The Hungry Caterpillar story and talking about our favourite fruit and vegetables.

Another busy week for the Butterfly Group in our Nursery! Happy Half Term Everyone!

Spotty pictures,spotty biscuits and lots of outdoor fun.

BREAK THE RULES DAY for Children's Cancer North

Watercolour painting, skipping and our usual Nursery fun!

Mud kitchen, Den building, practising our throwing skills and enjoying our Nursery garden!

Road Safety Week and Beep Beep! Day

We welcomed new friends into our Nursery this week, settled back into our routine and enjoyed interacting with our friends.

Pretending to be The Easter Bunny, tasting Hot Cross Buns and planting Beans! A busy week in Nursery!

Lots of learning through play in Butterfly Group.

Making Crispy cakes, going on a bear hunt and fun on the hill!

Our adventures in Butterfly Group this week.

World Book Day 2024

The Enormous Turnip story, shapes, building and balancing, another busy week in Butterfly group!

Chinese New Year, Pancake Day and Valentines Day! A busy week in our Nursery! Happy Half Term everyone!

Making jam tarts for a Tigers tea, practising our yoga and learning through our play!

Making jam sandwiches to have a picnic on the moon, birdwatching, lots of hand painting and lots of fun learning!

We had a foot spa treat this week as well as a big breakfast! We had cereal, toast and marmalade then chose apple or orange juice to drink! It was delicious! We've also read 'Whatever next' and we might fly to the moon next week.....

Butterfly Group have been learning about Night and Day and we have talked about our bedtime routines.

Happy New Year 2024! We have welcomed new friends into our Butterfly group to join in our fun!

Nursery Christmas Party 2023

We made Gingerbread biscuits this week, wrapped gifts for our friends,made Christmas trees with blocks and flew in Santas sleigh!

Christmas Jumper Day, lots of Christmas sticker fun, building a stable for a baby, painting and playing together!

Painting snowy pictures, finding out how to keep warm outdoors and lots of Butterfly fun!

Using our imagination,sharing stories and developing friendships!

World Nursery Rhyme Week, Children in Need Day and our usual Butterfly fun!

Fireworks, Poppies and learning through our play!

Chop Chop - Nursery’s Harvest Poem (part 1)

Still image for this video

Chop Chop (part 2)

Still image for this video

Lots of Halloween fun this week! Decorating Spooky biscuits, making A Mummy to scare our friends with, exploring Pumpkins and dressing up! Happy Half Term Everyone!

Chopping vegetables, making soup and collecting leaves!

We have shared the story of Goldilocks and the three bears this week and we tasted porridge just like Goldilocks! We have explored Autumn leaves ,enjoyed playing indoors and outdoors and having lots of fun in Nursery.

We have looked at patterns this week! We baked biscuits and put a pattern on them, we made fish and painted our own patterns on,some children stuck shapes on to make a pattern too! We have had lots of imaginary play with our Peppa Pig figures and looked after our pets in our vets surgery!

We have enjoyed the story 'Walking through the Jungle' this week and we pretended we were the animals looking for our tea! We also talked about our facial features and made a Mr Potato Head picture sticking on his eyes,nose and mouth! We have loved playing with our friends indoors and outdoors.

At snack time we have shared the story Dear Zoo, we played animal matching game, counted the animals and pretended we were the animals from the Zoo. We also picked apples from our apple tree and made apple tarts! They tasted delicious!

We have made shakers this week and listened to the sounds they made! We have practised our cutting skills, developed our fine motor skills by rolling play dough and using tweezers to pick up pom-poms as well as colour matching! Lots of indoor and outdoor play, developing our friendships

We have welcomed new friends to Our Butterfly Group in Nursery this term! We are exploring the areas in the classroom and outdoors.
