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Ryton Infant and Junior School Federation

Positive, Respectful and Safe

Mr Richardson - 3/4CR

We've been learning about how the Anglo Saxons made wattle fences. Here are our attempts to keep the livestock in.

Here we are having some 'buddy training' today.

We've been investigating which circuits will light up a bulb. Could you tell just from looking at the drawing of the electrical components?

Listen to our class singing 'One Moment, One People'.

We have enjoyed working with the 'prayer space' team when they were in school again.

We have been working with Guy on the Addison project. Our motions were captured to include in the game he is helping the school to make and we have helped to create some of the buildings, animals and the inside of the mine too.

Our visit to Crawcrook library was very successful. We played 'emoji guess the book' and enjoyed browsing through the books.

We've started looking at a new text this week called 'The Ever Changing Earth'. It's raised some big questions to investigate, like: Where does water come from? Here we are brainstorming our answers to the questions.

Please find the spellings for RED group for the second half of the summer term below.

We've been using the story of 'Nen and The Lonely Fisherman' to create expanded nouns and prepositional phrases. Can you identify them in our work?

Our class tried breaking all of the rules they were allowed to today! Thankyou to all for the fantastic donations.

Following on from putting our faces on to famous ancient Egyptians, we've been using our photo editing skills to create two different effects on images. Can you tell which of the images below are spooky or not?

In computing lessons we're looking at how and why people edit photos. Here are some of our class as you've never seen them before!

We've been investigating making tints and shades of one colour in art. Here are some of our 3D paintings of mugs.

Below are RED group's spelling lists for the first half of the Summer term.

We've had a fun end to the half term rolling 'rubber' eggs, camouflaging paper eggs around the class and taking part in egg and spoon races. Well done to Ethan for being class champ in egg rolling and Lydia for being our class egg and spoon champ.

Sam Cree from The Methodist Church has been in with her team of familiar faces to work with the children. Here's how they got on.

In science, we have started looking at the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Here we are representing the particles that make up one of the states of matter. Can you guess which one?

The children celebrated World Book Day today in lots of ways. We Joined Michael Rosen live online, made bookmarks with an adult and enjoyed a cup of hot chocolate whilst reading a favourite book.

Today we have worked with Debbie, who is leading a local history project. We did lots of warm up games in the hall, then thought about what qualities we'd want an artist coming to work at school to have. We decided that, amongst other things, they'd need to be: energetic, brave in their approach and passionate about art.

Our class have played a game to create a food chain. The children then drew and labelled their food chains using the correct scientific vocabulary, like producer, consumer, predator and prey.

Year 4 have mummified bananas today following the methods used by the ancient Egyptians.

Below are the spelling lists for RED group for the second half of the spring term.

Thanks to all for sending in donations on our 'dress to express' day - the children looked really colourful.

This week, we have been using audio editing tools in 'Audacity' to create our science podcasts.

During English lessons, we have been doing a lot of work with The Winter's Child storybook. Here we are sorting themes from the story on to zones of relevance.

Please find RED group's spellings for the first half of the Spring term below.

The children have been creating outlines of self standing structures in design and technology lessons with Miss Marrs. I'm told the marshmallow fixings were definitely not eaten - well done on having such excellent self control everyone!

Thanks to all of the class for dressing in non-uniform to raise money for children in need.

Here is a copy of our class poem to learn your verse for Friday 17th November.

Below are the spelling lists for RED group for the second half of the Autumn half term.

We've been looking at the classification of living things in Science and creating our own keys for a variety of woodland 'life'.

Here is the Year 4 (Red group) spelling list 7 for the last week of the autumn term (first half.)

The children have been using keys and photos to identify a variety of invertebrates at school.

Below are the Year 4 (Red group) spelling lists for the first half of the Autumn half term.
