Making felt
In our art lesson this week we used wool fibres, soap and hot water to make our own felt. We also made our own felt creations using manufactured felt and compared the difference. We are very proud of our lovely display work!
Welcome back!
We have had a very busy first week back in year 2! Science, Art and Geography are just a few of our lessons.
End of year teddy bear’s picnic
Minibeast hunt in microhabitats in forest school
Visit from the Deputy Mayor of Gateshead
We had a very important visitor in our school. …..The Deputy Mayor of Gateshead! It was lovely to hear the assembly where she talked about her position and the roles of the people who help her. She then came into year 2 where we got to ask lots of questions! We will remember her visit for a long time!
Telling the time in year 2 to the half hour, quarter hour and five minutes!
Trip to Gibside
We have had a fantastic day at Gibside. We firstly walked a long way to the pond and took part in a pond dipping activity. We were very lucky to find a newt! We had lunch and then went on to do a mini beast hunt in the walled gardens and the woodland area. It was a lovely, fun packed day and the weather was even kind to us!
Over the last few weeks, year 2 have been learning all about bees as part of our English lessons. We used the information we found out to write our own reports. We also did some projects at home. As a special treat we got to try some runny honey on toast. It was delicious!
We have been very lucky today to take part in a skipping workshop. It is one of our favourite things to do in year 2 so we loved it! It was also lovely and sunny which made it even better!
Library visit
We have been very lucky to be invited to the newly refurbished Crawcrook library. It was such a lovely place to be. We heard a story, played a guess who game and read some books ourselves. We definitely would like to go back!
This week we have started our new science topic where we are beginning to learn about plants. We began our investigation today by planting broadbean seeds to see at what rate they germinate. We are most excited about having a competition to see who’s grows the fastest!
Easter fun!
Easter prayer spaces
Design & Technology
In our design and technology lessons we have been learning about healthy food. We have designed our own healthy wrap. Today was the day when we finally got to use our designs to make our own wrap. We used a range of skills to prepare the food including: snipping, peeling, grating and cutting. The best part was eating them! They were delicious!
We have been learning all about 3D shapes and their properties. Some of them have very tricky names to remember! Here we are sorting some every day objects into their correct shape groups.
In our R.E lessons we have been learning about rights of passage. This week we have been looking at Christian weddings and the traditions and different partnerships. We had our very own bride and groom who acted out a wedding service. We had great fun!
Forest school
We went to forest school today as part of our English lesson. We will be exploring a new text. We don’t know what it is called yet only that it is set in the forest. We used our senses to try and imagine what it would be like in the story setting! I wonder if you can guess which book it is?
During our art & design lesson we practiced our weaving skills. Last week we used paper to learn the technique ready for weaving on our looms. It’s really tricky! We are very proud of our work!
Hand washing investigation
We investigated the best method to clean our hands and get rid of the germs. We used glitter to represent the germs and cleaned our hands with a paper towel, hand sanitiser, water and soap and water. Which method do you think worked the best?
Food glorious food!
Our topic in Geography this half term is ‘China’ where we have been learning all about the location and what life is like there. Today we were able to taste some Chinese food. The food was delicious but using chop sticks to eat it was very tricky!
Art Exhibition
We have been working so hard in our art and design lessons to create our own ceramic artwork inspired by Clarice Cliff. We had our own art exhibition in the hall this morning to display our wonderful work. Parents and carers we so pleased to see what amazing artists we are here at Ryton Infants and Junior School Federation!
We are artists!
We have been using acrylic paint to create our own ceramic art designs inspired by the artist Clarice Cliff! We are very proud of our work!
We have been learning how to recognise the value of coins and make amount using a range of different coins. It was trickier than we first thought however used our addition skills to help us!
Sports festival
We have been very lucky to be invited to the sports festival at Thorp Academy today. We took part in a large circuit and worked in teams to compete against other local schools. We used lots of different skills including; dribbling, throwing, jumping, mountain climbers, burpees and skipping. We had so much fun!
Marilyn Singer
In our English lessons we have been doing a poet study of Marilyn Singer who has written hundreds of books and poems. We have written our own Biographies based on her work and are so proud to show them off!
Children in need
We made our own vehicles using wheels, axels and chassis. We made them in two different ways as we investigated how the vehicles moved with the chassis attached and when the chassis were not attached! We had some run away wheels and axis at one point! We were very happy when we had a working vehicle!
Every day we have benn using the Rekenreks to master our knowledge of number bonds. This week we have been focussing on number bonds to 7.
We have been on a really exciting trip to the Queen’s Hall Arts Centre in Hexham. We saw the fantastic production of Michael Morpurgo’s ‘I believe in unicorns’. We really enjoyed being in the front row and so close to the stage. It felt like we were really part of it. We even got to meet the actress at the end. As an extra treat we went into the ‘Tiger who came to tea’ exhibition! Mrs Thorogood’s favourite children’s story.
The Big Story
We have been so lucky to have ‘The big story’ work with us this week. It’s always a pleasure to have them in school and even better when they work with our class! The theme this time is ‘Creation’ where the children have learnt about the story and taken part in creative activities to display this. The children also enjoyed the feast at the end! Who doesn’t enjoy a treat?!
We are scientists!
This week in science we have been investigating different materials to find out which would be the most suitable to make a raincoat. Firstly we made predictions of the materials we thought would be the most waterproof. We then tested a range of materials using the same amount of water and the same cups each time to make it a fair test. We gathered results for each material.
We have had an exciting delivery this week! After reports that a dragon had been spotted in Ryton, we had some eggs appear in our school grounds. We had such a great time finding them. We knew that we had to take such great care of them so we discussed what we could do. We decided to give them a lovely warm, cosy bath and you’ll never guess what happened over night?! They hatched!!! We love them! It has given us something fabulous to write about!
It’s been a busy time in year two this week! We have been focussing on place value in maths using base ten and part whole models to help us. We have also been learning about the formal elements of art in which we have used charcoal, pastel chalks and crayons to take rubbings of objects. We described the texture of each.