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Ryton Infant and Junior School Federation

Positive, Respectful and Safe

Mrs Borrowdale - Two Year Olds (Butterfly Class)

Our last week of the Summer Term! Sports Day, a ‘keeping cool’ day with lots of water play. Enjoying The Gingerbread man story and eating gingerbread biscuits at snack time! And our usual Butterfly group fun! Enjoy the holidays everyone!

Boxes, sensory footpath, mud kitchen,exploring magnets and lots of fun in Butterfly group!

Lots of cutting, sticking and mark making as we made birthday cards for Bubble and Squeak! As well as our usual Butterfly group fun!

Nursery Trip to Wallsend Parks

Bubbles and water , imaginative play and lots of outdoor fun in The Butterfly Group

We have planted Sunflowers this week and we are watching them grow! Our strawberries are just about ripe and we are hoping to taste them next week. As it has been so warm this week we have watered our Sensory Garden lots.

What a lovely week. We have planted more plants in our sensory garden and watered them every day. We have read stories about feeling happy and sad.We chased lots of bubbles, we had an ice cream shop on Friday and we all bought an ice cream aswell as our usual Butterfly group fun!

We read a story about a bear who loved honey so we decided to try honey and make honey sandwiches! We also learnt all about how Bees make honey!

Making friends, learning to take turns, exploring and showing curiosity all in our first week back in The Butterfly Group!

A busy last week of half term! We made a bug hotel, played on our bikes, made a dinosaur land, painted and shared stories!

We have enjoyed lots of stories about The Queen this week.We have had red, white and blue play dough, paint and rice to celebrate. her 70th jubilee..We made hats for The Queen and coloured in flags.

Week beginning 16th May 2022 riding bikes, planting beans, mark making,making sandwiches and playing with our friends!

Washing socks and hanging them on the washing line, dressing up and making spider webs and our usual Butterfly group fun!

The Children were interested in musical instruments this week.We marched around the garden playing a tune,we then made our own shakers to play at singing time. We continued hand printing this week then washing and drying our hands independently and we had our usual Butterfly group fun finding mini beasts, mark marking with the rollers and water and splashing in the puddles,

A busy first week back after our Easter break. We have been doing hand prints then practicing washing and drying our hand independently.!We found a Ladybird and looked for other mini beasts. We also had our usual fun in Butterfly group.

We enjoyed playing in the snow this week, lots of building castles and cars and building friendships!

We have planted some strawberry plants this week, had a Day for Ukraine, we are learning to help our friends and read lots of stories about Mammies and having our usual Butterfly group fun!

We went for a Spring walk this week to the Forest area, we dressed in red for Red Nose Day, we have been climbing, balancing and having our usual fun in Butterfly Class!

Rolling, cutting and scooping! We have made jam tarts today!

Playing in the mud kitchen, talking on the telephone and sticky, snippy pictures!

Our new Mud Kitchen

What a busy first week back! Pancake Day, World Book Day and our usual fun at Nursery.

We have read The Tiger who came to tea this week.We had tea and biscuits for snack, made carrot cakes and had a visit from a tiger looking for tiger food

We have celebrated Chinese New Year this week.We have painted Dragon pictures, made a dancing Dragon, tried some noodles and prawn crackers and had our usual fun playing in our Butterfly Group.

This week we have made sandwiches and had a picnic at snack time. We also enjoyed a Spa day ,we soaked our feet then rubbed cream onto them.We relaxed and listened to calm music! What a relaxing day!

Another busy week in Butterfly Class.

Learning all about day time and night time, enjoying healthy breakfast foods and making lots of cups of tea!

Christmas party and a visit from Santa 2.

Santa visits Nursery

Christmas Hat run, hot chocolate, mark making and playing with our friends.

Christmas Lunch

Christmas fun has begun! Play dough, making more bird feeders, dressing up and using our imagination!

This week we have made bird feeders, had a visit from Our school crossing patrol lady, enjoyed making tracks with the paint with cars and had our usual fun playing in Nursery!

We have had a fantastic world Nursery Rhyme Week and have had lots of Pudsey fun for Children in Need. The children have been brilliant!

Odd Sock Day to mark the start of Anti-Bullying Week 2021

The Butterflies made Poppies with the play dough this week.We have explored the musical instruments outside, painted with water, made sticky pictures and had lots of fun playing.

Building, balancing, crawling, drawing, making and have lots of fun

What a fantastic first half term in Butterfly group! We have made new friends, had lots of fun exploring Nursery and this week we have had lots of fun dressing up for Halloween!

Halloween Fun in Nursery

The Butterflies have enjoyed cutting,painting,climbing,balancing, sharing stories, using our imagination and chasing bubbles this week,

Butterflies have had another busy week, we just love to learn through play!

This week we have talked about hedgehogs, we made some playdough hedgehogs too! Butterfly children have painted, climbed, balanced  and played!

Another busy week in Butterfly Class!

Our first week in Nursery
