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Ryton Infant and Junior School Federation

Positive, Respectful and Safe

Mrs Cradock - 1KC

We had a lovely time at the Teddy Bear’s Picnic on the last day of term. What an amazing year we have had and what a fantastic class!

We have been learning all about volume and capacity this week.

What a fantastic day Year 1 had a Bamburgh yesterday. We visited The Grace Darling Museum, saw the house where she was born and went across the road to St Aidan's church to look at the Grace Darling Memorial in the churchyard. We had a look around the church, too, identifying the features of a church and we found out a little bit about the arrival of Christianity in Britain. After lunch we went along to the beach in Bamburgh and looked at the natural and human-made features of the coast. We could see the Farne Islands and Grace's lighthouse out at sea. History, RE and Geography all in one trip! We made sure we had enough time to play in the sand and have a paddle in the sea. We had blue skies and the sun shone - we were so lucky. It really was a great trip. The children were so well-behaved and such good fun. Many thanks to the wonderful parent helpers who gave up their time to accompany us.

This week we have been working with measures. First we used the balances to determine which object was heavier / lighter, then we used them to find the mass (in cubes) of objects around the classroom.

What a fantastic experience we had this afternoon! One of our classmates very kindly invited all of us to join him at the Great North Children’s Hospital MediCinema. We were the first children in the UK to watch Despicable Me 4 as it hasn’t even been released in cinemas across the UK yet! Then, after the film had finished, we were all given goody bags, courtesy of MediCinema and Disney, full of fantastic Minions merchandise! A huge thank you to MediCinema, North East coaches (who provided transport there and back for free) and to all the parents who very kindly made donations to MediCinema.

Homework for this week is to draw or paint a picture of Ryton for the Ferndene Fayre competition. Entries must be back in by Tuesday 2nd July. We used this slideshow to give the children some ideas.

Last week was Arts Week. We looked at the works of some famous artists and started by looking at the horizon. We made compositions, we experimented with colour mixing and texture before creating our own masterpieces.

Today our class Olympic torch bearer was presented with a special badge and then she led the rest of the class in a relay around the Junior School Field.

We have been learning all about Grace Darling and why she is still remembered today. We looked at pictures of sources of evidence (paintings, a newspaper article, a stained-glass window, a medal) and thought about what they told us about Grace Darling.

The story of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch contains some very tricky vocabulary. We worded hard to match up the words with their definitions.

This Week's Achievers! 14/06/2024

This Week's Achievers! 07/06/2024

This Week's Achievers! 24/05/2024

This week, in DT, we have made fruit salads. First, we tasted some different fruits then decided which ones we wanted to use in our salads. We drew a design of what our fruit salad would look like then cut up the fruit and arranged it according to our designs. Once we had created our masterpieces, we ate them. Finally, we evaluated our work and thought about what we might improve if we made a fruit salad again.

This week, in maths, we have started working on length and height in measures. Today, we compared the length of objects, using the phrases ‘is longer than’ and ‘is shorter than’.

We have had a great time breaking some rules today and I know we have raised a lot of money to go towards Children’s Cancer North. Well done everybody. You look fantastic!

In maths we have been learning how to make arrays and equal groups from a given amount. We have made equal groups of 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.

We had such a lovely visit to the newly refurbished Crawcrook Library. Kyle showed us around then read us a great story. He organised a treasure hunt for us then we had time to browse all the wonderful children’s books.

We had a super time skipping this afternoon. Gail was a fantastic teacher.

As part of our science topic on plants we have planted our own runner beans.

This Week's Achievers! 03/05/2024

What a wonderful class trip we had to Warkworth Castle. The sun was shining, the children were so well behaved and we were lucky to have some fantastic parent helpers. After learning so much about the history and geography of castles in class, it was fabulous to be able to go and visit a castle as spectacular as Warkworth.

This week's Hot Chocolate Winners

This Week's Achievers 19/04/2024

We followed some simple instructions to make these lovely Spring Lamb biscuits. They looked great and they tasted delicious!

This week, in maths, we have been working with money. We have learned to identify each coin and note, and the value of each one.

This week’s hot chocolate winners.

Easter fun! We made Easter bonnets and had a parade in the hall, we made chocolate Easter nests, and we had an Easter egg hunt outside.

We visited different prayer spaces today, thinking about why we celebrate Easter. We talked about forgiveness, friendship, our worries, and our hopes and dreams.

We filled the jar with cubes again and voted to have the guinea pigs as our class treat.

This Week's Achievers! 22/03/2024

This week, in computing, we created a simple algorithm using code cards then wrote it out for our partners to program the Blue-Bot or Bee-Bot to follow.

We had great fun with the Bee Bots and the Blue Bots in computing this week. We remembered so much about them from when we were in Reception!

This Week's Achievers and Hot Chocolate Friday! 08/03/2024

We had a great time today, celebrating World Book Day. As well as dressing up and sharing some of our favourite stories, we played Who Wants To Be A World Book Day Millionaire and I Spy the book character. In the afternoon some of our friends and family members came in to help us make origami bookmarks. Then we had hot chocolate and more stories.

This Week's Achievers! 01/03/2024

A windmill turning in the wind.

Still image for this video

In DT this week we have been making windmills, We used a range of skills in order to do this. We have been puncturing holes, then widening them. We have learnt how to strengthen a structure by adding weight to it. We practised our cutting skills to ensure that our sails were straight. Finally, we had to attach the sails to our structures then ensure that they turned.

We worked systematically with ten frames and counters to find all of the number bonds to 20.

A Winter Walk

We had a super walk this week to look for signs of winter. We saw deciduous trees with no leaves, evergreen trees with lots of leaves and beautiful snowdrops. The weather was cold and foggy but we had our warm clothes on.

Hot Chocolate Friday! 16/02/2024

Dress to Express!

This week we created a piece of abstract art inspired by the works of Kandinsky, Bernal and Bolotowsky. We did this by drawing around and overlapping a variety of 2D shapes. We then used mixed media (watercolours, pastels, pencils and felt tip pens) to colour in the shapes between the lines.

We represented the numbers 16, 17, 18 and 19 using ten frames, rekenreks, tens and one, and place value cards.

We had fun playing with a selection of Victorian toys.

This Week's Achievers and Hot Chocolate Friday! 02/02/2024

This Week's Achievers and Hot Chocolate Friday! 26/01/2024

Representing 11, 12 and 13 in different ways.

Our maths puzzle this week was this: A farmer keeps sheep and hens. One day he counted their legs and found there to be 14. We used playdough and matchsticks to work out how many of his animals were hens and how many were sheep. We found three different answers.

In art this week, we used LEGO bricks and paint to make patterns. We even managed to arrange the LEGO blocks into the shapes of our initials - back to front so that it printed the right way around!

We have been finding out about the toys that our parents and grandparents played with. Some of us even brought some old toys in to school for us to have a look at first hand.

We had a lovely time this afternoon when Year 5 came up to visit us with the books that they have been making. They have made fantastic pop-up books with moving parts and we really enjoyed reading them.

Today we have been sorting 2D shapes in lots of different ways. We sorted them according to their colour, size, shape and number of sides. Sometimes it was quite difficult to work out the sorting rule.

This week in Maths, we have been working on 2D shapes - naming them and describing their properties. We have also had fun making some of these shapes using geo-boards and on an app on the i-pads. We even turned ourselves into human geo-boards and were able to make triangles, squares, rectangles, pentagons, hexagons and octagons!

We have started off our History topic, Toys, by bringing in one of our favourite toys from home. We looked at what they were made from and we sorted them into groups according to the material used or whether they were electronic or not. Then we looked at pictures of different toys and thought about who would play with them. We talked about the fact that toys are designed for different age groups.

In Maths this week, we have been working with 3D shapes. We have been naming them, describing their properties and looking at the 2D shapes that make up their faces. We have also been sorting them according to the number of vertices they have, whether they have straight or curved faces and edges, and whether or not they can roll or stack.

Santa came to see us this afternoon!

We wrote super Three Little Pig stories and we shared them with our friends this morning.

We had an amazing Christmas party!

We enjoyed our Christmas dinners.

We told the Christmas story in our Nativity play this morning.

Us in our Christmas jumpers.

We had a visitor from Fairytale Land on Monday. The children had written some questions that they wanted to ask the Big Bad Wolf so he came along to answer them.

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Still image for this video

We had such a lovely time playing in the snow on Friday.

We have been investigating different materials and their properties in our Science lessons. We have learned lots of new vocabulary like rigid, flexible, transparent and opaque. Today we carried out an investigation to test different materials to see how absorbent they were. We used paper, rubber, plastic and fabric. We made our predictions then tested each material by dipping it into some coloured water. We made sure the test was fair by using the same sized piece of material and the same amount of water. We found that the fabric was the most absorbent.

In DT we have started looking at mechanisms, working with levers and sliders. We have looked at books that contain levers and sliders and practised joining techniques in preparation for making our own next week.

We decorated biscuits and coloured in some pictures of Pudsey for Children in Need.

Our class poetry winner!


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Our class performing the poem 'Brontosaurus Ride' by Jane Newberry

Still image for this video

We have started our science topic, Materials. Today we looked at different objects and talked about the material they were made from (wood, glass, plastic etc) and the properties that each material had (flexible, rigid, transparent etc)..

This week's hot chocolate winners!

We have been working on number bonds to all the numbers up to ten and today we reached the magic number 10! We worked in pairs and used Numicon tiles to find all the bonds then recorded them on white boards.

We earned another whole class treat at the end of last half term and we chose to have some time with the guinea pigs! We were allowed to keep them in our room this week and have had a lovely time holding them and feeding them.

This week in art, we have been exploring expressive lines using music to create a large collaborative piece inspired by water and the artwork of Zaria Forman.

We are getting really good at understanding what a sentence is. We sorted these strips into two piles, deciding whether they were full sentences or not. I made it really hard for the class by not including any punctuation, but they weren't fooled!

Today we had a lovely visit to Crawcrook Library. Kyle read us a great story, then we took part in a Halloween themed treasure hunt. We had some time to look at the books too. Two of us had brought our library cards and were able to take some books out.

Achievers of the Week and Hot Chocolate Friday winners! 13/10/2023

In art this week, we looked at abstract works of art by Bridget Riley. Unlike Beatriz Milhazes, she uses lines rather than circles. We used chalk on black paper to practise drawing straight horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines. Then we tried wavy lines and cross hatch. Finally, we arranged our lines into a composition.

In computing, we have been developing our ipad skills. We learned how to scan a QR code to access a painting app, then we experimented with the tools within the app to create some lovely pictures.

In Science we have been learning about animal groups and the characteristics shared by animals within each group. First we looked at British animals, then we looked at animals from around the world.

The work of contemporary artist Beatriz Milhazes was the inspiration for our lesson on abstract art. We looked at her use of colour and shape - particularly circles - then created our own compositions in a similar style.

Stars of the Week and Hot Chocolate Friday! 29/09/2023

We have been learning about Autumn in class so when we visited the forest this afternoon, we looked for signs of the changing seasons. We listened to a lovely story called 'Leaf Man' by Lois Ehlert then went off to find leaves that we could use to make our own leaf figures. We couldn't leave the forest without having a little bit of time to play!

We have been exploring our senses. We used our ears to try to work out who was playing the bells behind their back; we used our hands to identify objects in a feely bag; we used our sense of smell to try to identify different spices; and we used our taste buds when sampling drinks that were sweet, sour, salty and bitter.

Our elected School Council, Star of the Week and Ice-Cream Friday! 22/09/2023

In PE, after a good warm-up, we worked with the children in Mrs Johnson's class to practise balancing on different body parts, linking this work to our science topic 'Our Bodies'.

What a lot of maths we have been doing since we started back to school! We have been matching numerals to ten frames, matching numerals and ten frames to words, writing numbers, playing maths games on boards and i-pads, and counting objects carefully.

Star of the Week and Ice-Cream Friday! 15/09/2023
